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              GREG DESIGN雷格设计公司简介

                GREG DESIGN雷格设计,专业酒店设计,始于美国,源自1984。作为GREG雷格国际品牌驻中国总部,广州雷格设计负责酒店、商务及别墅会所的综合设计与研发,先后在海外及国内各大城市建立了总部及工作室,在以度假酒店、商务酒店及精品酒店为主的大型项目领域,持续打造完善地产策划、室内设计、艺术陈设三位一体化的全程设计体系。



                GREG DESIGN from U.S.A, the professional hotel design, was first originated in 1984. As the headquarter in China, Guangzhou GREG DESIGN is mainly involved in the integrated design, engineering and r&d of hotels, business and villa clubhouse. It has already established many head offices and studios in the metropolises both at home and abroad. Its faith is to build and perfect the whole-process design system of the real estate planning, interior design and art-display decoration in the field of the hotel project and comprehensive projects.

                GREG, a professional institution with its focus on hotel design, assembles all kinds of talents including the outstanding designers and senior consultants from the international platforms like the United States, Singapore and Italy, as well as the domestic hotel-concentrated advanced technical and management talents like registered construction engineers, planners, crafts,double degree. GREG people adhere to the practice philosophy--- “selection, concentration and consistence”, and have won several national and regional awards. Its influence on the international and Chinese related field is growing.

                GREG founders advocate the unique idea“technology + culture”,and first set up the international hotel design process, committed to build the sustainable- value integrating hotels for the investors. In China, GREG holds the enterprise business philosophy---“brand leading, culture thriving”, and try to integrate culture into the every detail of enterprise development, in order to pursue the blending of the goods and culture, the tacit understanding of enterprise and society, and the harmony of human and nature.


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